Bioinformatics Jobs

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The Bioinformatics CRO is a fully distributed contract research company that serves the computational biology needs of biotechnology companies, with a focus on genomics. We are expanding our valued network of highly skilled consultants, which spans all inhabitable continents and most areas of computational biology.

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Bioinformatics Cloud Software Engineer

South San Francisco, CA

The Position Bioinformatics Cloud Software Engineer... Genentech seeks a talented and highly motivated Software Engineer to develop a cloud based genomic analysis system in support of our Translational Genomics efforts. Our Translational Genomics efforts span the interface of human genetics, functional genomics, molecular biology, disease model engineering, tissue and cellular profiling, and advanced computational methodology. The primary focus of this position is to extend our existing orchestration system for large scale genomic analysis workflows into the cloud to enable Genentech researchers to scale the throughput of their genomic and genetic analyses as needed. Solutions will need to integrate cloud native concepts with microservice based components in an existing software ecosystem. A successful candidate will collaborate with interdisciplinary teams of Software Engineers, DevOps engineers and Computational Biology Scientists to design and implement cloud native software solutions with an emphasis on service-oriented architecture and containerized workflows. The work includes requirements gathering, design and architecture, as well as backend and frontend development. The candidate will use best practices of continuous integration and software delivery to accommodate the fast pace of innovation in Genentech Research. Successful candidates will meet many of the following requirements: • You have a Masters degree or equivalent in Software Engineering, Computer Science, Bioinformatics, or similar and 6-10 years of relevant experience in an academic or commercial setting. • You have successfully planned and implemented multiple software projects throughout the whole development cycle (planning, implementation, testing, release, maintenance) following modern software development practices. • You are a full-stack software developer (backend+frontend) that if needed maintains its own dev-ops tool chain, but plays well with enterprise level solutions. • You are able to break down large problems into smaller microservice based components and can develop them independently or as part of a large team. • You have experience with cloud related concepts such as deployment via Kubernetes or AWS cloud formation, Monitoring and containerization. • Experiences and expertise with cloud related concepts such as building infrastructure using Terraform, AWS Cloud Formation, AWS Batch, Lambda and Code Pipeline is a must - an AWS certification on an associate level is a plus. • You have architected distributed systems with infrastructure automation, monitoring and alerting and you are familiar with troubleshooting distributed systems. • You have a focus on high-quality code, including automated testing and coding best practices and you are able to prepare and conduct code reviews. • You have experience with relational and non-relational DB technologies. Knowledge of other search, messaging and queuing technologies such as ElasticSearch, SOLR, RabbitMQ and Kafka are desirable. • You are a quick learner and your analytical skills help you to effectively translate technical and scientific process requirements into a software product. • You have strong experience in the use of a high-level, object oriented programming language such as Python, Go or Java and a strong understanding of Linux/Unix. • You are comfortable working both independently and collaboratively, and with handling several concurrent, fast-paced projects. • You are able to execute technical projects at global scale, across multiple teams and time zones. Strategic, analytical mindset and ability to innovate using technology to advance business goals. • Experience in managing data according to FAIR principles as well as tracking data lineage, ensuring data quality and improving data discovery is a plus. • You have strong communication skills and can untangle and discuss complex technical tasks. • Prior experience in a life science or drug development environment are beneficial. What to expect from us • A highly collaborative and dynamic research environment where we aim to advance the rate of scientific discovery using purposefully built solutions. • Access to large data sets, samples and compute resources. • Access to state-of-the-art technologies and pioneering research. • Participation in seminar series featuring academic and industry scientists. • Campus-like lifestyle with a healthy work-life balance. • Mentored opportunities to further develop professional skills. Relocation benefits are available for this job posting. #LI-EJ2 #bioinformatics #gREDinformatics Who we are A member of the Roche Group, Genentech has been at the forefront of the biotechnology industry for more than 40 years, using human genetic information to develop novel medicines for serious and life-threatening diseases. We are a research-driven biotechnology company, whose medical innovations for cancer and other serious illnesses make a difference for patients across the globe. Please take this opportunity to learn about Genentech where we believe that our employees are our most important asset & are dedicated to remaining a great place to work. Genentech is an equal opportunity employer & prohibits unlawful discrimination based on race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, national origin/ancestry, age, disability, marital & veteran status. For more information about equal employment opportunity, visit our Genentech Careers page. Genentech is an equal opportunity employer, and we embrace the increasingly diverse world around us. Genentech prohibits unlawful discrimination based on race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin or ancestry, age, disability, marital status and veteran status. Genentech requires all new hires to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 as of their start date. This requirement is a condition of employment at Genentech, and it applies regardless of whether the position is located at a Genentech campus or is fully remote. If you are unable to receive the vaccine due to a disability or serious medical condition, or because it is prohibited as a result of your sincerely held religious beliefs, you will have an opportunity to request a reasonable accommodation

Scientist, Structural Bioinformatics

San Francisco, CA

The Company Interline Therapeutics leverages unique capabilities in proteomics, structural biology, and computational chemistry to elucidate protein communities and develop new medicines that target key drivers of inflammation and cancer. Interline is creating a culture centered around our dual commitments to patients and employees. We believe that if we prioritize science and innovation... empower one another, and have fun, we will significantly improve the lives of patients. We are growing a diverse and inclusive team with individuals that are action-oriented and united by common values. The Role We are seeking a talented Structural Bioinformatics Scientist experienced in computational structure prediction methods and integrative modeling of protein complexes using experimental constraints. As part of Interline's expanding community and growing bioinformatics team, you will collaborate with bioinformaticians, proteomics scientists, structural biologists and other scientific experts to translate novel protein interaction insights into actionable structural models for drug discovery. In this role you will drive the development and application of cutting-edge structural approaches to model therapeutic targets in their relevant context, and enable multiple drug discovery programs by prioritizing testable hypotheses. This position is based in our South San Francisco offices, with the possibility to work remotely. The Successful Candidate Will • Develop computational models of protein complex structures from biophysical experiments • Implement cutting-edge tools for ab initio prediction of multimeric protein structures, interface identification and binding free energy calculation on our cloud computing platform • Collaborate with analytical scientists, bioinformaticians and drug discovery teams to model interaction communities for therapeutic targets and provide actionable structural and mechanistic insights • Develop and apply computational tools for predicting the effect of perturbations (genetic variants, drug target engagement) on protein communities • Liaise with collaborators and CRO's to design, execute and analyze model validation experiments • Engage with computational chemistry and molecular simulation teams to develop models and methods to improve the accuracy of ligand-binding predictions • Assist in the featurization of structural "big data" for training in-house machine-learning models. Translate biophysics to code. Qualifications • PhD in computational biophysics/chemistry, physical chemistry/chemical physics, applied mathematics or relevant field with 5+ years of post-graduate experience in academia or the pharmaceutical/biotech Industry; proven track-record of scientific excellence as evidenced by a strong publication and/or patent record. • In-depth knowledge of commonly used computational structure prediction servers such as Rosetta, AlphaFold2; experience with protein-protein, protein-peptide docking or ab initio interaction prediction preferred • Experience with empirical force fields for rapid binding energy calculations • Working proficiency in UNIX/Linux and extensive programming experience in Python and/or C/C++; experience with cloud computing and workflow orchestration tools would be advantageous • Working knowledge of Machine Learning algorithms and optimization techniques • Experience with structure modeling from biophysical experiments such as NMR, HDX, SAXS or CryoEM; experience with Mass Spectrometry based structural proteomics methods such as XL-MS would be considered a significant advantage • Strong interpersonal skills and a desire and flexibility to work within a dynamic multidisciplinary team environment All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, sex, color, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, protected veteran status, or disability


San Francisco, CA

BIOINFORMATICS ENGINEER BAY AREA OR REMOTE... $95,000-$105,000 THE COMPANY This global biotech leader is searching for a Bioinformatics Engineer to join its team. This will be an entry-level role working closely with their computational team. They work on the development of kits, reagents, and instruments to develop tools to accelerate discovery efforts. Role & Responsibilities: • Building cloud infrastructure for bioinformatics scientists • Build internal web apps for scientists • Work closely with R&D, sales, and technical support teams Skills: • Bachelors or Masters with 1-2 years industry experience or PhD with no industry experience in Computer Science, Bioinformatics, or other quantitative related fields • Python or Java • Cloud experience with a preference for AWS • Docker or CI/CD experience • Web app development experience Benefits: $95,000-$105,000 Bonus Remote potential Please apply and send your CV

Scientist II, Bioinformatics

Brisbane, CA

OPPORTUNITY Mammoth is seeking a Bioinformatics Scientist II to join its growing team. The successful candidate will contribute towards Mammoth’s efforts to develop safe and effective therapeutic treatments for genetic diseases. The Scientist II, Bioinformatics will work closely with researchers, development teams and external partners to establish statistical analysis tools, help design assays... and produce insights on the effects of our novel CRISPR systems. The scientist will also interact closely with the computational team to define and use internal tooling. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES • Design statistical analysis pipelines for multi-omics data • Work closely with the platform team to help optimize our novel CRISPR system • Communicate your solutions to a team of software and data engineers • Organize and present data in internal and external meetings • Other duties as assigned REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS • Experience working with cloud resources in AWS • Experience communicating and visualizing results to computational and scientific teams • Experience analyzing CRISPR related assays • Proficiency in R • Experience working with modeling lab assays with LIMS system • Experience working with workflow management systems (Prefect, Airflow, Nextflow) • Experience writing code in a production environment (CI/CD, testing) PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS • PhD with 1+ years of experience, MS with 4+ years of experience, or BS with 6+ years of experience in Computer Science, Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Biostatistics, or a related field • Experience in developing bioinformatic pipelines • Proficiency in Python and SQL • Experience designing multi component high throughput experiments BENEFITS • Company-paid health/vision/dental benefits • Unlimited vacation and generous sick time • Company-sponsored meals and snacks • Wellness, caregiver and ergonomics benefits • 401(k) with company matching Mammoth Biosciences is harnessing the diversity of life to power the next generation of CRISPR products. Through the discovery and engineering of novel CRISPR systems, the company is enabling the full potential of its platform to read and write the code of life. Mammoth aims to develop permanent genetic cures through best-in-class in vivo and ex vivo therapies and to democratize disease detection with on-demand diagnostics. Mammoth can provide enhanced diagnostics and genome editing for life science research, healthcare, agriculture, biodefense and more. Based in the San Francisco Bay Area, Mammoth Biosciences is co-founded by CRISPR pioneer and Nobel Laureate Jennifer Doudna and Trevor Martin, Janice Chen, and Lucas Harrington. The firm is backed by top institutional investors including Redmile Group, Foresite Capital, Senator Investment Group, Sixth Street, Decheng, Mayfield, NFX, and 8VC, along with leading individual investors including Brook Byers, Tim Cook, and Jeff Huber. TEAM Our small-size proteins, such as Cas14 and CasPhi, are poised to transform disease treatment enabling novel editing approaches and delivery options that are difficult to achieve or not even possible with previously described CRISPR-Cas systems. Our teams are responsible for discovering and engineering novel CRISPR systems, establishing CRISPR-based diagnostics, and translating our unique CRISPR technology into therapeutic treatments with the ultimate goal of cures for indications with high medical need. It is our policy and intent to provide equal opportunity to all persons without regard to race, color, religion, political affiliation, sex/gender (including gender expression/identity, pregnancy, childbirth and related medical conditions), marital status, registered domestic partner status, sexual orientation, age, ancestry, national origin, veteran status, disability, medical condition, genetic characteristics, and/or any other basis protected by law. This policy covers all facets of employment including, but not limited to: recruitment, selection, placement, promotions, transfers, demotions, terminations, training, and compensation. Mammoth Biosciences requires that all employees be vaccinated against COVID-19 as a condition of at-will employment, with exceptions for medical or religious reasons in compliance with local, state, and federal law

Bioinformatics Research Intern

San Francisco, CA

We are looking for a part-time Bioinformatics Research Assistant to join our team. You will have the opportunity to work on a diverse set of initiatives led by the AllStripes research team, and will also contribute to cross-functional projects with our product, abstraction, and operations teams. You should love solving problems, working collaboratively, and working in research. What you’ll do... • Work with the research, product, and abstraction teams to develop and implement study protocols, track research study progress, assist with data quality control processes, and maintain our library of clinical data elements and surveys • Assist the research team with a variety of projects, including collaborative research programs, insights for the patient community, and new features on our two sided life sciences data platform • Support the development of relationships with key stakeholders in the rare disease space • Program all unstructured data studies and recommend improvements to increase efficiency and quality • Program all surveys and recommend improvements Who you are • A student enrolled in a graduate program in a biomedical science or clinical field (biomedical PhD or MS, MD, DO, genetic counseling, nurse practitioner or doctorate of nursing, PA, PharmD). • Past research experience (basic or clinical research) • Working knowledge of computer programming languages (R and/or SQL highly preferred) • Experience working collaboratively with others on long-term projects • Endlessly resourceful and self-motivated; you’re not afraid to dive into a complex problem • While hours will be flexible week to week, on average, be able to dedicate 10–20 hours per week to AllStripes (remotely). Most work can be completed on your own time. Contract will extend through June 2023, with the possibility of renewal. About the Hiring Manager: Caitlin Nichols - Research Director

Senior Software Engineer (Bioinformatics)

San Francisco, CA

About us The convergence of laboratory automation, high-throughput assays, and machine learning is moving the medium of biological discovery to silicon. At LatchBio, our mission is to foster this revolution by creating a first-in-class platform that enables biologists to leverage the explosion of data that increases by orders of magnitude every year. About the role Currently, biotechs waste huge sums of resources building data warehouses, analytical tools, and bioinformatic pipelines -- effectively reinventing the wheel each time. At Latch Bio, we are building a platform which is a repository of well versioned no-code tools, managed computing infrastructure and collaborative data hub tailor made for biology research. Our core biocompute platform is built on top of AWS, with a stack that spans Kubernetes, Docker, Flyte, Python and React. As an engineer, you will join a team of polymathic talent who have eschewed derivative trading and ad optimization for the mission of accelerating... fundamental science. A component of the role is to find the right tools to improve the platform as our stack evolves and we are open to new ideas and technologies to help us enhance the quality of our software

Sr. Scientist, Bioinformatics

South San Francisco, CA

Sr. Bioinformatics Scientist, Production Bioinformatics Twist is looking for a Bioinformatics Scientist to join our Production Bioinformatics Team. You will work alongside research scientists, software engineers, and data scientists to further deliver on our mission to expand access to best-in-class synthetic biology and next-generation sequencing applications. You will be developing engineering... tools to better evaluate and build hardened, production quality pipelines, optimize data quality, and automate lab and bioinformatics processes. Our ideal candidate is an organized problem solver with a background in developing and building novel production-quality bioinformatics tools and packages. Equally excellent communication skills and a proven ability to work independently are required. Responsibilities • Collaborate with R&D and Field Application Scientists to develop, build, and validate bioinformatics tools starting from proof-of-concept to production-grade software. • Apply scientific and engineering best practices to update and transition bioinformatics algorithms and pipelines from Research to Production • Work closely with synthetic biology groups to develop and implement novel design algorithms and QC methods and tools • Maintain production bioinformatics tools and workflows through their lifecycle • Develop bioinformatics solutions for various target enrichment applications Required Skills And Experience • Minimum of 5 years of related experience with a Bachelor’s degree; or 3 years and a Master’s degree; or a PhD without experience; or equivalent work experience. • Proven ability to conceptualize, develop, and validate novel NGS design and QC methods based on established bioinformatics algorithms (eg. alignment, variant calling, de novo assembly, etc) and tools (eg. bwa, GATK, Picard, SPAdes etc) • Strong proficiency with Python, SQL, Bash, and Git with experience building packages with tests as well as strong written and verbal English communication skills • Experience with working in industry Production environment including validation and documentation • Able to effectively communicate and work remotely with teams using Slack, JIRA and Confluence • Ability to troubleshoot complex issues quickly and effectively Preferred • Excellent understanding of molecular biology, with an emphasis on DNA chemistry • Experience with synthetic biology design and/or QC • Experience working with Illumina sequencers, chemistry, and software • Experience with AWS, Docker, Airflow and Kubernetes • Experience with data science tools (Pandas, Spark) • Experience with Rust nice to have • Experience with Target Enrichment About Twist Bioscience Twist Bioscience synthesizes genes from scratch, known as “writing” DNA. Just as children learn to both read and write, the next phase of development for the genomics revolution is the ability to write DNA. At Twist Bioscience, we work in service of people who are changing the world for the better. In fields such as health care, agriculture, industrial chemicals and data storage, our unique silicon-based DNA Synthesis Platform provides precision at a scale that is otherwise unavailable to our customers. Twist Bioscience Corporation is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Twist Bioscience Corporation provides equal employment opportunities to all employees and applicants for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, disability, genetic characteristics, or any other category protected by law

Principal Scientist, Human Genetics Bioinformatics

South San Francisco, CA

The Position The Position... Genentech is inviting applications for a Computational Biologist to join the Department of Human Genetics as a Principal Scientist. Genentech has access to vast, and growing, repositories of genetic, genomic and clinical data, gathered from internal studies (including many of our trials), as well as collaborative and public external data sets. The Principal Scientist appointed to this position will play a pivotal role in developing and implementing analytical strategies that allow us to better integrate and interpret these data, delivering biological insights into disease pathophysiology that propel our translational goals, most obviously through the identification of novel therapeutic targets and biomarkers involved in disease onset and/or disease progression. • We are keen to attract candidates with skills and experience that position them to tackle key challenges in multimodal data integration as it relates to human biology. What strategies should we adopt for the effective and insightful integration of multimodal data at scale to deliver causal inference regarding disease pathogenesis? How can we do a better job of connecting the genetic signals that come from GWAS to the genes, pathways and processes through which they exert their effects on disease biology and outcomes? How can we optimize our capacity to integrate a diversity of data types, relevant to efficacy, safety and druggability, to prioritize the most promising targets for a given disease? To be successful, the person we seek will need to have a broad range of skills and expertise that embraces association analysis in genotype and sequence data, strong competence in the analysis of sequence-based molecular assay data (eg RNA-Seq), familiarity with approaches for the integration of genetic and molecular data, and a profound understanding of causal inference. They are also likely to be proficient in the use of high performance computing resources, and to have experience of implementing a range of AI/ML approaches. As well as developing and implementing a transformational research program in these areas, working closely with colleagues and mentors in human genetics, the appointee will be responsible for: • Extensive collaboration with colleagues across “Translational Genomics” who are responsible for the generation and analysis of data arising from our capabilities in molecular profiling, spatial analysis and perturbation assays • Extensive collaboration with colleagues in Neuroscience (and other Therapeutic Areas) who will take the biological insights generated and turn them into actionable hypotheses and lead molecules • Design and execution of targeted analyses to uncover novel therapeutic targets and biomarkers of disease heterogeneity, progression, and treatment response • Maintaining an excellent publication record • Presentation and communication of findings in cross-functional teams • Initiation of and participation in strategic external collaborations in pursuit of these goals. Genentech is committed to the development and delivery of precision medicines, which take individual variation as well as diagnosis into account in the delivery of health care. Because genetic makeup is a major component of individual variation, the work of the Human Genetics Department is a central pillar for achieving our vision of modern medicine, and the scientists in the Department are key contributors to making this happen. Major disease areas of interest to Genentech include a range of chronic inflammatory and neuro-degenerative conditions, as well as diverse cancers, and a number of ophthalmic and metabolic diseases. Though the principal focus of this position will be in Neuroscience, we expect the research findings to have broad relevance across all disease areas. Genentech provides an exceptional research environment composed of internationally recognized scientific leaders, as well as state of the art core facilities with cutting edge technologies and computational resources to support your research activities. We provide a highly collaborative community, and as such, you will interact closely with clinical development teams and other scientists in the areas of biomarkers, bioinformatics, and research discovery departments including Immunology, Neuroscience, Infectious Diseases, Cancer Immunotherapy, and Molecular Oncology. Qualified candidates will typically have the following attributes: • PhD training with a strong focus on human genetics, Computational Biology or a related field; • Substantial (typically at least 3-5y) experience in academia or industry (as a postdoc or equivalent role) engaged in computational biology research or a related field • A thorough understanding of biostatistics & statistical genetic methods • Extremely strong computational skills, with demonstrable competence in the management and analysis of large scale data, proficiency in high-level programming languages and statistical computing • An excellent record of scientific publications in top tier journals • Strong communication and interpersonal skills with the ability to present and explain findings to a diverse audience • Motivation and ability to succeed in a fast-paced, highly collaborative environment • A keen interest in applying computation to solve biological problems and achieve translational goals • A scientific background in neuroscience would be a plus, but is not essential • Experience in the application of AI/ML methods would be a major plus • #gREDinformatics Who We Are A member of the Roche Group, Genentech has been at the forefront of the biotechnology industry for more than 40 years, using human genetic information to develop novel medicines for serious and life-threatening diseases. Genentech has multiple therapies on the market for cancer & other serious illnesses. Please take this opportunity to learn about Genentech where we believe that our employees are our most important asset & are dedicated to remaining a great place to work. Genentech is an equal opportunity employer & prohibits unlawful discrimination based on race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, national origin/ancestry, age, disability, marital & veteran status. For more information about equal employment opportunity, visit our Genentech Careers page Genentech is an equal opportunity employer, and we embrace the increasingly diverse world around us. Genentech prohibits unlawful discrimination based on race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin or ancestry, age, disability, marital status and veteran status. Genentech requires all new hires to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 as of their start date. This requirement is a condition of employment at Genentech, and it applies regardless of whether the position is located at a Genentech campus or is fully remote. If you are unable to receive the vaccine due to a disability or serious medical condition, or because it is prohibited as a result of your sincerely held religious beliefs, you will have an opportunity to request a reasonable accommodation

Senior Bioinformatics Scientist

San Francisco, CA

Invitae is a biotechnology company focused on providing tools and services for clinical research applications of genomics. Our mission is to unlock the power of precision medicine in improving patient care by providing a technology platform to advance genomics and facilitate collaborative research. Invitae is seeking senior Bioinformaticians to join our team. This role will be centered around... crafting tools and algorithms to complement assay/product development.We are looking for someone who is able to perceive a problem clearly and dissect it into components which can be resolved programmatically. Having a comprehensive grasp of genomics and next generation sequencing will be key to succeeding in this role. The candidate should be independent, well organized and collaborative with clear communication skills. In addition, ability to frequently switch between tasks will be helpful. As vital, but not as a primary role, the Senior Bioinformatics Scientist will assist the Clinical team in ad-hoc analysis and research required to meet regulatory requirements. You will be responsible for scaling our pipelines as we work toward our goal of providing low-cost genetic answers to billions of people. Responsibilities: • Build and evaluate algorithms and statistical models to improve existing genetics applications within and beyond NGS technologies and build novel ones • Drive genetics technology development in a cross-disciplinary setting by critically analyzing and deriving insights from experimental data (including NGS, arrays, and novel technologies) using open source NGS tools and building custom tools when needed • Working with wet lab scientists to independently design experiments and communicate conclusions for internal review • Develop reproducible analysis for research and development purposes • Help draft and implement the data analysis for clinical software/assay validations • Develop standard processes for analysis of NGS data including optimization of parameters, and consensus approaches across various tools • Maintain a visible profile in the Bioinformatics community through publications, conference presentations, and collaborations • Review, understand, and stay in compliance with Invitae HIPAA Security policies and procedures Qualifications: • MS with 8+ years experience or PhD with 5+ years experience in Bioinformatics or Computational Biology • Proficient in R/Python, *nix, and SQL for data analysis • Good understanding of standard bioinformatic tools used in NGS pipelines • Proven understanding of pipeline workflow engines: Nextflow, Snakemake • Strong knowledge of Genomics and Molecular Biology • Solid understanding of Illumina sequencing technologies and metrics • Formal statistics background is a plus • Software development experience (preferred) • Understanding of Cloud Computing (preferred) At Invitae, you’ll work alongside some of the world’s experts in genetics and healthcare at the forefront of genetic medicine. Our teams thrive in our dynamic organization, which has been designed to empower them to make the biggest impact they can for our patients. We give our employees the ability to explore interests and capabilities broadly within the organization. We prize freedom with accountability and offer significant flexibility. We also provide excellent benefits and competitive pay in a fast-growing organization. At Invitae, we’re changing healthcare to change lives. Join us. At Invitae, we value diversity and provide equal employment opportunities (EEO) to all employees and applicants without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran status, or disability status. We will consider for employment qualified applicants with criminal histories in a manner consistent with the requirements of the San Francisco Fair Chance Ordinance. #LI-Remote

Bioinformatics Scientist

South San Francisco, CA

Encoded Therapeutics Inc. is a biotechnology company advancing precision medicines for a broad range of genetic disorders. Our mission is to unlock new opportunities for viral gene therapy through genomics-driven discovery. We focus on delivering life-changing advances for individuals with genetic disorders not addressable with current approaches. For more information, please visit . Position... details We are looking for a talented and experienced Bioinformatics Scientist having a strong computational and software development background to join our R&D team. This is a unique opportunity to work at the intersection of genomics and computing and participate in the development of a diverse therapeutic pipeline driven by a transformative core technology. This position offers the opportunity to work with large genomics datasets and deeply influence technology development. The successful candidate will be excited and motivated to have a big impact as we are building out the computational team at Encoded. They would have demonstrated a solid understanding of genomics, programming languages, next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies, SQL databases, and Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS). They should be a team player, with a desire to partner with other genomics scientists in assay development and troubleshooting. Workplace Mode l: Hybrid/SSF Responsibilities Process and analyze next-generation sequencing (NGS) data generated on Illumina and 10x platforms Develop database schemas and manage our SQL database that stores our sequencing data and results Partner with scientists across departments to design, troubleshoot experiments and help in interpretation Perform custom sequence alignment, processing, QC and visualization of our novel RNA/DNA-sequencing assays Assist in managing our cloud-computing environment that runs NGS processing jobs at scale using AWS Batch Partner with other members of the computational group to explore and prototype computational approaches Requirements PhD in Bioinformatics or related field with 0-2+ years industry experience Demonstrated desire and skills to work in a collaborative setting is critical Strong biological background and computational expertise Independent and creative thinking Experience working with transcriptomics data is a must. Knowledge of sequencing technologies such as RNA-Seq, ChIP-Seq, ATAC-Seq, Single Cell Seq Grasp of basic molecular biology and genomics - laboratory experience is a plus Understanding of and experience with whole genome transcriptome alignment and quantification tools Experience programming in a high-level language such as Python, Ruby or R; Python is preferred Familiarity with building bioinformatics pipelines using a workflow management system such as Snakemake Experience developing databases to store scientific data. Knowledge of SQL and some experience with LIMS Familiarity with cloud computing infrastructures on AWS and working with cloud-based tools such as AWS Batch, Data Pipeline, RDS/Redshift is a plus Preferred Qualifications Drug development experience is a plus Benefits Comprehensive benefits package, including competitive employer premium contributions Meaningful stock option grants PTO, sick time, and holiday pay Generous Parental Leave program Pre-tax medical and dependent care programs STD, LTD, Life and AD&D Professional development opportunities Team-building events Fully stocked kitchen Purple Tie dry cleaning service Fitness center Encoded is an Equal Opportunity Employer and prohibits discrimination and harassment of any kind. Encoded is committed to the principle of equal employment opportunity for all employees and to providing employees with a work environment free of discrimination and harassment. All employment decisions at Encoded are based on business needs, job requirements and individual qualifications, without regard to race, religion or belief, color, national origin, gender, status as a protected veteran, status as an individual with a disability, or any other status protected by the laws or regulations in the location in which we operate. Encoded will not tolerate discrimination or harassment based on any of these characteristics. Encoded encourages applicants of all ages. If you need assistance or an accommodation due to a disability, you may call us at +1 . Job Type: Full-time

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